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From left side to right from left to right: Aquilok's Head secret entry point, Aquilok's Head map, Head and a brown sack on the cave floor Lost Ark Gold. The next recipe will take you on an enjoyable small adventure. To obtain it, first be in the Aquilok's 'Head' Dungeon on Ankumo Mountain.
Follow the right wall of the path, and one of the first nooks you find will contain an iron lever that has an activate icon. Make use of it to move the massive boulder, which blocks the entrance to a hidden room. Take a look around, and there is an undiscovered Mokoko Seed!
The object you're searching for is located in the bottom area of this cave. Interact with a brown sack lying on the cave floor to obtain 499 Year Old Mera Wine. If you open your inventory and hover above the product.
You'll be able to click right-click to add it on your Explorer's Tome today, the description asks for you "to take your time". Let this item sit in your inventory a little longer, and then when you revisit it you will find that your "rare" 499 year old Mera Wine will have aged to become a legendary 500 Year Old Mera Wine.
A split photo of a person playing flute to Seria as well as Rapport NPC Seria reward items. Our final Rethramis Cooking Recipe will require some work to attain. You will need to attain the maximum Rapport Rank by achieving Siera (Trusted) rank and also redeem one of Siera's final Rapport reward Lost Ark Gold buy: A special Potato.