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Spice For Life - Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Historically, cinnamon has been used as a part of Ayurveda as well as traditional Chinese medicines. In the last few decades, modern science is beginning to recognize the healing properties of many spices and herbs. What was once considered an "herbal remedy" is now seen as part of a healthy diet.

The Traditional Health Benefits of Cinnamon

In traditional Chinese medications, cinnamon was used to cure colds, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence and menstrual cramps. It is supposed to improve the person's energy, circulation and vitality.

Ayurveda recipes claim that cinnamon FITNESS can be used for treatment of diabetes, colds, indigestion etc. Cinnamon is supposed to have a positive impact on stabilizing blood sugar levels, which is why it can be useful to diabetic people; especially those who suffer from Type 2 diabetes.

Researches have shown that cinnamon has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties as well. It is handy in fighting the fungus Candida albicans which is supposed to cause yeast infections and also the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is supposed to cause stomach ulcers.

Cinnamon is supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties and it also used to provide relief in the case of flu or a cold. It has anti-clotting effects on the blood. It reduces the proliferation of lymphoma and leukemia cancer cells. It is also supposed to reduce the pain caused by arthritis.

Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant as well.

The Nutritional Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent source of iron, calcium, manganese and also dietary fibers. The fiber present in cinnamon may provide relief from diarrhea or constipation.

Other Health Benefits of Cinnamon

It's a common item used in chai tea and it improves digestion of dairy products, fruits and milk.

It boosts brain activity. Cinnamon is supposed to boost a person memory as well as his cognitive ability.

Cinnamon has been used in many medical systems, like the traditional Chinese medication, for its wonderful warming qualities.

Cinnamon inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevents food spoilage because of which it is used as a food preservative.

Researches have shown that cinnamon helps preserve unpasteurized juices by fighting the E. coli bacteria in them.

Cinnamon is also instrumental in maintaining proper oral hygiene. It prevents tooth decays.

Understanding The Side Effects of Cinnamon

As with any home remedy, just because it comes from nature doesn't mean it's safe. Be sure to research this spice properly before you consume it. Also, talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or health regime. If you are taking medication, your pharmacist is a good resource to talk to about possible drug interactions. Even if there are no harmful reactions to cinnamon, you might be allergic to the powder form, which can cause rashes, redness of face, nausea sore mouth etc. Never take cinnamon oils, they can be dangerous.

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