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This will be a new minigame on runescape where you will be moved to the world

Why am I bringing this subject up? Because a lot of people believe Runescape will soon end. There is a reasons to believe it RS3 Accounts. On Friday night for instance, I am typing this, and there are just 40,000. If you began playing some time ago, you're likely to be more accustomed to seeing at minimum 100,000 players on the internet. These numbers make the situation obvious. This is the reason it's fascinating to observe Jagex's remarks regarding Jagex, or the lack thereof, regarding Jagex's player.

Jagex hasn't made a public statement solely addressing the decrease and steps that are being made to combat this problem. Jagex's statements on activity have also been a bit off the mark. Jagex CEO Mark Gehard stated, in an interview in July 2012, that there were "hundreds on thousands of players playing simultaneously."

A recent news article also stated that Runescape was "as as powerful as it's ever been." He might be right when he claims that more players have 99 strength now than ever before. However, if he's referring to the game's activity it is likely that he isn't sleeping enough.

It is clear however that the amount of the game's popularity has decreased. Runescape was incredibly popular several years back. It's likely that you and your friends were at least a few of Tutorial Island when you were in middle school, high school or college in the mid 2000s. Maybe Runescape has seen a decline in its popularity, and it won't be going away in the near future RS 2007 Fire Cape Buy. It could be the case.

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