Component of the logic was"It's a negative affect on yew longbows etc" well, if those DID drop, if they went to their high alch cost, they'd be just as hot to alch as they'd profit to, gamers would have many different choices to OSRS gold pick from to maximize gain by a Gp or 2. Now the precedent. Or simply take OVLDS the expense to create one has halved lately does that mean we could expect an upgrade to them since they're intended to be expensive pots?
It's opening a can of worms that I feel Jagex will repent later on down the road. Ultimately, I think it's quite unfair to people who purchased natures to spring this shift on them. I wrote this short story to play the devil's advocate: I'm sure most, if not all, know that Jagex changed the nature rune alch cost. Earlier today, Mod Teabag sat down during his morning crumpet break to talk about why that was executed. This is what he had to say! "Yes, to confirm, we did change the high alch values of character runes. This WAS NOT DUE TO BOTS. I only want to put the record straight regarding why that was done. We can guarentee our sport is 100% bot free.
Interestingly enough, it started out due to a petty revenge from the other member of the team , but, as it turns out, it turned out to be a good selection. Last week, my fellow colleague, Mod WhatsBotting was on his way in on a fine crisp Monday morning. He likes to take public transport to perform his part to save the Earth from heating up and thus bursting in a couple trillion years. On his way to RuneScape gold buy the busstop, he passes the local elementary school.