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What Are Changing Pad Covers?


Changing pad covers look like little sheets. You put them on top of your diaper changing pad and fit them on like a pillowcase. Most changing pads sit atop your diaper changing table, which may be a separate piece of furniture or a table attached directly to your baby’s crib. You can buy pad covers to match your child’s regular sheets or choose a different style that complements the main sheet set.  

The covers come in a variety of bedding materials for every season and preference. Cotton and organic cotton are among the most popular types of changing pad cover materials throughout the year. Along with muslin, they’re also ideal for spring and summer bedding, as well as for homes with mild, comfortable temperatures. When it gets chilly outside, you can choose from fleece or plush polyester blends. Vinyl is also available for families who prefer an easy-clean material. If you like the feel of cotton but want to add a little warmth and texture, there are some styles with ultra-soft fabric on each side of the cover. Find them in a host of colors and prints.

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