If you are wondering at what age should a child use a pillow, the answer is at around 2 to 3 years old. When you transition your toddler to a normal bed, you can choose to introduce a toddler pillow, which is usually thin and firm. Even after the newborn stage your infant could turn face down into the pillow or less likely, put their head under it. So even though your child has slightly more mobility after passing the newborn stage, it is important to wait until they are 2-3 years old to introduce other bedding.
In the first few years of your child’s life, you don’t need to be concerned that your baby is uncomfortable without a baby pillow. You may not like sleeping without your pillow, but they won’t feel uncomfortable without one until their shoulders are wider than their heads. In fact, a pillow still isn’t even necessary once they graduate from a crib to a bed, they just may prefer to make the sleeping arrangements in their new bed look similar to yours.