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It's vital that you know how to create the perfect martial arts training session. After all, if you do your work out the wrong way, you aren't going to get where you are going. You don't really sink into your art and find it in your heart and soul.
Oddly, just to clear up a little misconception, you aren't doing those kung fu exercises to get stronger, though that might happen. And you aren't working out to become fast or mean or have any other similar attribute. You are doing those martial arts conditioning exercises to become an artist, and that means that you are going to want to display that art in your movements, in your day to day life, in how you treat people.
First, you have to isolate a time in which to dedicate yourself to the study of your art. This means you turn the cellphone off, you let the wife and kids know that you are going to be busy and don't wish to be disturbed, and that you shut the world off. This is your time, and you have define it, protect it, and dedicate yourself to it.
Second, you have to pick a single art Acrylic paint and stick with it. This means that if you're going to do karate, you don't do kung fu, or aikido, or some other such art. POP, man, and it means Purity of Purpose, and if you don't have it, then you won't even scratch the surface of your art.
Third, when working out you have to forget about time. If you are reading a novel you don't want to be thinking about flipping the pages, you just want to let your mind refuse the rest of the world and absorb only the world that the writer is presenting. If you are watching a movie, then you don't want to listen to cell phones going off, or other people having conversations, you just want to suspend reality and sink yourself into the movie so that you can really experience it.
Do these three items, and you are going to have a work out that means something. If you are absorbed by the lure of motion, if you are so concentrated on making the technique work that you aren't thinking about the world, the problems, the bushwah... then you are going to penetrate to and discover your art. This is how the great martial artists found their greatness.
Now, here is the trick: there is a different world where you are going. You see, by sinking yourself into an art, you are finding yourself: the artist. An artist is somebody who creates, and he does this by discovering his true abilities.
So through doing those martial arts routines endlessly, you are creating a different world, different perceptions, a place where such things as ESP and intuition can function fully and beautifully. The world you create will start to convince other people, encompass them, and change them. Thus, to make the world a better place, it depends on you creating the conditions for a perfect martial arts work out.